The Lingering Effects of Imperceptible Damages

Damage is not always easily discernible to the untrained eye. At worst, the effects of some calamities may continue to fester, and cause ongoing damage to your property and loved ones. Please consider taking every precaution if you have experienced an event which has damaged your property.

Hail storms have ostensibly the least lingering problems to your property if properly assessed at the time of the occurrence. Surmising what has been impacted by the storm is fairly straightforward, with the exception of your roof. Just recently, we have had clients who, from a recent inspection, found damage to their roof attributable to a hail storm from over a year and half ago. Documenting the damage when it occurs is a crucial component to streamlining a favorable settlement on your behalf, for your insurance company will undoubtedly argue that damage to your roof is the result of normal deterioration. However, a roof inspection expert, whom we most certainly have in spades, will be able to document and distinguish how your roof has been damaged, and therefore, certify if in fact your insurance company is liable.

The resulting smoke and ash from a fire event may continue to stay behind at your property, long after the blaze has been extinguished. Should you be fortunate enough for your property to remain unscathed, or at least on appearance, you should be wary of the long lasting effects of smoke and ash, all of which are not readily visible to the human eye. Smoke particulate matter will continue to remain in your central heating and air conditioning units, ducts, attic insulation, and even walls. Lingering debris of these carcinogens can result in respiratory ailments, flu like symptoms, and the onset or exacerbation of childhood asthma. To say the very least, it is well worth your time to have a professional inspect your property, and when choosing Pride Public Adjusters Inc., there is no financial downside to such a decision.

Flood damage has perhaps the greatest long lasting ramifications for your property and family’s well being. Flood damage can often lead to mold, which in turn can lead to a calamitous set of circumstances in their own right. Severe mold damage can lead to long lasting, and sometimes irreversible health issues, and can even make your home uninhabitable. Water loss typically takes time for the effects to materialize entirely, and as the insurance industry’s most frequently occurring loss, they are extremely well versed in combating these types of claims. The mere presence of mold can utterly complicate not only the cleanup of your property, but can also gravely affect how your claim is settled. It is of dire importance to remove any mold material from your home to avoid health complications, and to avoid further impediments for your impending claim against your insurance company.

We are here to assist you in the assessment of your property, the subsequent removal of harmful materials, and finally with the negotiation of your claim. We are as equally adept, if not more so, than your insurance company in the realm of property and damage appraisal. Your insurance company may make you an initial offer on your claim, with little or no regard to your family’s well being. We will show up at no initial cost to you and inspect your property, recommending the best course of action for your family’s safety. If you so choose from that point, we will represent you and your claim, with our vast services and expertise at your disposal, and on your behalf.