Celebrity Homes Property Damage Insurance Claims
Pride Public Adjusters, Inc. offers worldwide property damage adjusting services, involving insurance claims on celebrity homes.When it comes to luxury real estate and celebrity properties, filing a damage claim becomes much more complicated than that of the average homeowner, primarily because of the high value of both the structure itself and the valuable contents. Famous people tend to spend a great deal of money on their homes, as well as their furnishings, contents, toys and collectibles. Many of them are well traveled and purchase rare and unique items from all over the world, which are consistently undervalued by the insurance company’s adjusters. The standard homeowner’s insurance policy will provide coverage for the physical structure, while the high-value items within the property will be covered with various endorsements. With that being said, when a catastrophe or natural disaster strikes a celebrity home, the insurance claim process is much more complex in nature. Attempting to file and manage such a difficult claim on your own will probably result in a settlement that is substantially less than you deserve. Pride Public Adjusters, Inc. has handled numerous claims for celebrities, musicians and other wealthy and famous individuals. We work directly for the insured, unlike the insurance company’s adjuster who is hired to save the carrier money on the claim. With so much at stake, it would be a shame to try and deal with it on your own. After all, celebrities hire people to manager all areas of their lives on a regular basis, so why not hire an adjuster to protect your valuable assets. When you hire the licensed adjusters at Pride, we respond immediately. We will review your property insurance policy and all corresponding endorsements. Next, we complete a detailed assessment of the structural damage, as well as appraise every item of value and assess the real replacement cost. You can be assured that the required insurance forms and reports are filed promptly and accurately. Our team of disaster experts will calculate the mitigation, repair and restoration costs associated with the property damage. We will assist with temporary housing and maintain open communication with the insurance company adjuster. We understand you have a busy life and career to attend to, so we make our clients a priority and relieve them of the stress involved with the insurance claim process. We handle all types of large loss and complex celebrity property damage claims, including: • Fire Damage Claims |